Why taking personalised financial advice is a good idea, both now and in the future.
Our Pension Advisers at Christina Clegg Financial Planning Services look at the key considerations when thinking about a Defined benefit pension transfer.
A video by FCA aiming to help consumers better understand financial advice on transferring out of a defined benefit pension.
Video produced by the Personal Finance Society and ITV to explain how a Financial Planner can help you to achieve your financial goals.
Christina Clegg Financial Services explains the benefits of using an Independent Financial Adviser.
Our Pension Advice Experts at Christina Clegg Financial Planning Services explain how to consolidate all you pensions into one place.
Christina Clegg Financial Planning Services explains what to do to ensure that you are making the most of you pension plan.
Christina Clegg Financial Planning Services explains how Income Drawdown from your pension works.
Christina Clegg Financial Planning Services explains how Cash Flow Modelling can help you plan for the future.
Christina Clegg Financial Planning Services explain the importance of managing your asset portfolio.
Christina Clegg IFA explains the benefits of estate planning and Inheritance Tax Planning.
What are Frozen Allowances? Christina Clegg Financial Planning Services explains inheritance tax allowances.
Inheritance tax and your pension explained - your property, pension, savings, investments and other assets.
Christina Clegg Financial Services highlights some key points about inheritance tax exemptions.
Christina Clegg Financial Planning Services explains what you can do to offset Inheritance Tax liabilities.
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